Monday 20 April 2015

The Moment Will Come (Part 2)

Hey there! It’s a pleasure to have you on the other side of the divide reading this article – happy reading! 
If you were opportuned to read the first part, I ended the article with the quote: “there is nobody whom fortune does not visit once in his life, but when she finds he is not ready to receive her, she goes in from the door and out of the window.”
Well, the excitement remains that the moment will come! The moment of honour, the moment of glory, the moment of dignity…will most definitely come to every life.
The Briton’s Statesman Winston Churchill calls the moment – man’s finest hour. That fine hour…that moment of glory is in every man, but it is also fair to say that he must be ready for it when it comes.
So to make the moment pay dividend, then you have got to identify, capture and nurture it when it comes. It is only when you learn how to outgrow small businesses will life reward you with great enterprises. You have got to show that you are capable of managing fortune when it shows for it to abide with thee.
Opportunities abound in every life, but we seldom recognize it, because it always come disguised as something insignificant. Those hidden moment of personal discipline determines the outcome of other fortunate events.
That discreet moment of personal concentration, being a bit polite to a stranger, an extra effort beyond the agreed payment, that agonizing moment of conceptualizing an idea, that sacrificial service, just that period of selflessness, and that could just be the talisman needed to become more fortunate.
So you have to cultivate the capacity to recognize and take advantage of those golden moments.
Henry Thoreau puts it this way, “It’s not what you look at that matters; it is what you see that counts.”
Orison Marden says it another way; “He who cannot see an angel in the rough marble can never call it out with mallet and chisel.”
My advice is: don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities seize common occasions and make them great.
The preacher E.W. Kenyon in his book – ‘Signpost on way to success’ narrated a story of a young artisan who had an unusual gift for dressing windows; and though this chap worked in a store as an artisan for a long time without directly making any curtain, but always gave useful suggestions to the window dresser who was his immediate boss. Few weeks later, the artisan became the artist. But the window dresser never told the business owner who did the current art-work. Men came from different parts of the city to look at the windows. Then one day a man from another city came to visit the shop and asked who did the curtains. The business owner introduced him to the window dresser but the man was disappointed because his words didn’t resemble the work done. Later the young artist was introduced and from henceforth, fortune began to smile on him.
“You cannot hide trained genius. You cannot hide trained ability”. People may use you for a time, but you will break the bonds sooner or later like this young man did.
You’ve got to be ready! You’ve got to train! You’ve got to hone those talents to become skills. You don’t start preparing when the moment is at hand, you prepare in anticipation of the moment. Just like you don’t start training during the tournament, but before. Benjamin Disraeli added “that the secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”
A sage remark: “that the good Lord didn’t create any one of us to be ordinary, nor have common moments.”Instinctively, every life is designed to be set apart in honour at some day or time!
A biographer writes of Winston Churchill that: “It seems Churchill’s previous career had been a preparation for his heroic wartime leadership…he seemed to have been nursing all his faculties so that when the moment came he could lavish them on the salvation of Britain from the bloodthirsty fist of the Nazis…”
And then he Churchill in 1940 to the House of Commons as part of his speech said: “To each, there comes in their life time a special moment, when there are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents; but what a tragedy if that moment comes and finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”
Once again I say, “Opportunities! Every life is full of them.” To every life, there is always the finest hour!

POINT TO RUMINATE ON: "Opportunity has hair in front, behind she is bald; if you seize her by the forelock you may hold her, but if you allow her to escape, not even Jupiter himself can catch her again."

Authored by: ANOINTED ENOH

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