Tuesday 20 August 2019

The Myth of Ease

I always thought that growing older will be easier.

I secretly envied my Dad because I thought he had everything at his beck and call. He had a woman (stop thinking, its my mum), a room to himself, a car and always a bowl of soup infested with all manner of protein (though he always shared after his meal).

He would go and come at will, maybe with a level of consent from my Mum (hmmmm...the ultimate envy of any well caged teenager like myself).

But not long, I had to leave home for school, then it became very apparent that 'freedom is the burden that only the mature can bear.'

Oh! I suddenly realized how difficult it was to operate a civil and functional human being called SELF to the admiration of society. It was and is still very demanding, exhaustive, and if you may, excruciating to engage in the process of personal development. To do otherwise is doom looming.

With age creeping in, I have come to admit that to succeed, being strategic must be a daily approach. 

I have placed premium on my thoughts, winks, smiles, finger clicking, gestures, motives, engagements, and even redeeming time. Knowing now that everything tangible and intangible are working in concert to deliver on my aspirations. 

So at the end of every single day, nothing is left to caution. Every action is evaluated and a mental appraisal given. 

I have learnt that the elements of the earth are governed by principles, and consequences are a vital composite of what balances our active and inactive deeds.

I have learnt that moderation is golden. 

In this period, not many phrase have embellished my life's journey more than this word from a mentor - 'that a good gambler knows when to play, when to wait, and when to quit'; and I have applied this attitude in my attacking, waiting, retreating, surrendering, and even 'foolishly' walking away from well deserved inheritance of mine. 

Now repeatedly, the whatever kind of envy I had for my Dad has become a growing respect for him though he is long demised. 

So my parting thoughts here will be: let the arena of life be your education. Don't seek ease, grow competence. Don't act carelessly, preempt consequences and possibly the EASE someday maybe a reality that providence may reward you with. 

1 comment:

  1. Enter your comment.......freedom is the burden only the mature can bear.this is resounding sir.

    Don't seek ease,grow competence. this is my take home. thank you sir
