Thursday 12 February 2015

The Virtue in Consistency (Part 2)

Hey there! So nice to have you peeping into this article, hope you are doing great.
My goal is that some letters will leap from this page and connect with you in the most radical way that will launch you to your dreamland.
Still discussing the subject: The Virtue in Consistency!
I ended the first part of this discuss with the Jewish proverb - ‘Truth is heavy, so few men carry it.’
Well, my hope is that you will enlist yourself amongst the few desiring to carry it, because it has a rewarding effect after bearing it.
One element that consistency communicates is reliability or in other word - dependability.
Are you a reliable personality? Are you a fellow that one can risk believing in and not just exercising hope that you will abide by the constitution of your utterances?
I once read a story that showed the beauty of being dependable. Permit me to share… In the 19th Century, a British Parliamentarian travelled to Scotland to deliver a speech. On his way, his carriage got stuck in mud and left him in a hopeless scene. Then, a young Scottish farm boy appeared with a team of drafted horses and dragged out his carriage. Insisting on paying the boy for the help, the boy refused and said, ‘that it was a privilege to help such an important personality as him,’ then he asked the boy, ‘what he would want to become when he grows up?’ The boy replied, ‘I’d like to be a doctor, but I doubt that it will happen since my family doesn’t have the money for such education.’ ‘Then I will help you become a doctor,’ said the old politician.
As years went by the Member of Parliament kept his promise…
Fifty years later, another famous English statesman lay close to death due to pneumonia. Winston Churchill had become ill while attending a wartime conference and England desperately needed his leadership as Hitler threatened to destroy the nation. Churchill miraculously recovered because his physician gave him an injection of a new wonder drug called penicillin. Penicillin had recently been discovered by Alexander Fleming. And Alexander Fleming was the young boy who had pulled the stalled carriage from the mud. And the man who had promised to return the favour by sending him to medical school was Winston Churchill’s father, Sir Randolph Churchill.
Wow! The twist of life!
In an unknown place, to an unknown boy; he uttered a commitment to the hearing of just himself, the boy and probably his horses– ‘I will help you become a doctor.’ And the boy staked his destiny on these few lines of words and that was it.
And fifty years later, not just did the boy save his son’s life but the entire British kingdom from the evil adventure of Hitler.
Just come to think of it again: A little verbal exchange between none equal class sealed the fate of Europe fifty years after.
Aesop writes: a doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know how to meet him!
Again I ask: Are you a reliable fellow? Are your promises as potent as a bank draft? Can people hinge their destiny on your promises? At the various corners of life when you make desperate promises with few watching eyes and listening ears do you stay true to it?
Being reliable or dependable is one of the virtues of a consistent personality.

POINT TO RUMINATE ON: This has depth! Please read…’for the shifts of fortune test the reliability of friends!’

Authored by: ANOINTED ENOH 

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